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单词 poor house 例句大全,用单词poor house造句:

We should manage to house and feed the poor.
The poor boy was led off his house by a beggar.
Poor plumbing deducts from the value of the house.
He is so poor that he can not afford to buy a house.
He was a poor peasant as he had neither house nor land.
他房无一间, 地无一垄, 是个贫农。
His home is a palace compared with our poor little house.
Cracks and leaks are signs of poor construction in a house.
A poor man came to the house this morning, begging for food.
They were very poor at that time and couldn't afford a house.
那时他们非常穷, 买不起房子。
So the sallow picked out the ruby and flew to the poor house.
然后, 小燕子取出了红宝石, 飞向了那间破房子。
The White House maintains the eight sacked for poor performance.
The White House maintains the eight were sacked for poor performance.
白宫称这八人是由于工作不力, 表现不好而被解雇的。
But the poor mother ran out of the house and cried aloud for her child.
For the poor, when the man of the house fell ill, the whole family starved.
穷人家, 大人病了, 便全家挨了饿。
The owner forced the poor family out of the house when they could not pay the rent.
当那个穷户付不起房租时, 房主便把他们赶出房门。
So one Thanksgiving, they loaded the Qing Dynasty to a basket of food to poor house.
所以感恩节一到, 她们就装上满清一篮食物亲自送到穷人家。
Poor Joes panic lasted for two or three days, during which he did not visit the house.
The poor condition of the house and fences showed that it hadn't been used for some time.
The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife.
Fencing should not be too tall, otherwise, people living inside the house is like living in the jail and will became poor.
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