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单词 popular type 例句大全,用单词popular type造句:

Cheddar is the most popular type of cheese in britain.
This type of motorcycle is very popular in the countryside.
Development of the practical and popular type curling made in china
What may be the most popular type of gambling that a beginner can enjoy ?
The Popular Rhapsody of Biting Sarcasm, Merry Laugh and Angry Curse Type in Han Dynasty
汉代冷嘲热讽, 嘻笑怒骂类俗赋
A safari is a popular type of vacation for a photographer to get shots of exotic animals.
It is a popular type of cable that consists of two unshielded wires twisted around each other.
Become a financial economy, culture and entertainment in one of the type of popular culture event.
A type of glazed pottery with the dominant colors of yellow, brown and green was very popular in the Tang Dynasty.
Because it is easier to make, harder to chip, and stronger than hard porcelain, bone china has become the most popular type of porcelain in some countries.
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单词 popular type 释义

  • 单词释义:普通型,通用型  [更多..]



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