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单词 plough into 例句大全,用单词plough into造句:

I will plough back what I earn into my company.
Casting sword into plough is our lasting aim in pursuing best wisdoms.
I don't collect the interest but plough it back into my savings account.
我不把利息取出, 总把它再存入储蓄帐户。
The fibrous nature of Linseed makes it impossible to plough back into the soil.
the farmer advances it to him, and steps into his place by becoming the owner of the plough.
农民会预先支付给他货款,而成 为犁的所有者。
After the vegetables have been harvested, peasants plough the loose leaves into the soil to enrich it.
A Probe into the Bronze Plough, Stone Plough and Cattle Farming in the Period of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties
稀世工艺原料 菊花石夏商周时期铜犁,石犁与牛耕试探
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单词 plough into 释义

  • 单词释义:冲入;用犁把…犁入土中;积极投入工作;对…进行投资  [更多..]



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