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单词 sedimentation process 例句大全,用单词sedimentation process造句:

Study on simply sedimentation process with only calcium hydroxide added.
Challenge, explore, sedimentation, filtration of the process is life wonderful.
Study on coagulate sedimentation process for treating wastewater containing fluoride.
and filtering the malt juice into an eddy sedimentation tank for finishing the process.
将麦芽汁过滤到旋涡沉淀池, 即可。
Enrichment and sedimentation are the principal contributor to the aging process of lakes.
Chose coagulating sedimentation and submerged biofilm process for wet blue wastewater treatment.
采用混凝沉降 生物膜法处理蓝湿牛皮制革废水。
This process of phosphorite sedimentation occurred in the background of high rank of transgression.
Papermaking wastewater was treated by process of pre oxidation coagulating sedimentation in the study.
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单词 sedimentation process 释义

  • 单词释义:[医]沉淀处理,沉淀过程  [更多..]



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