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单词 see red 例句大全,用单词see red造句:

inability to see the color red or to distinguish red and bluishgreen.
I see red every time I hear him speak disrespectfully to the old man.
Do you see those red, white and yellow roses blooming by the fountain?
You can see the red hot when the temperature rise to about 500 deg. C.
Click the link below to see General Analysis of RED SUN Japan Spirulina
Red Dust's how many stories round round edge is not due to see through.
See The Red Flag Flies, lamented the author's witty and original spirit.
看红旗飘, 最感叹作者的风趣和原创精神。
Phillip, can you see something red floating in the distance on the water
You just hate waste, and when someone else costs you dearly you see red.
你厌恶浪费, 如果别人让你大肆破费, 你会发怒。
Colonel Sanders And Truman, you ought to see what I can do with red bean.
The red represents the hot gas, and, of course, you can see many galaxies.
Leather color is red in see yellow, with orange red quality is consistent.
皮得颜色红中见黄, 与缇色一致。
Humans have three kinds of cones that allow us to see red, green and blue.
He could see a line of cypress trees and, beyond it, a landscape of red hills.
I seem to see a red flower buds grow peach trees, willow covered with mystery.
You see the red glow in their eyes, which is the reflection of the flashlight.
看到它们眼珠里闪耀的红光 那就是手电的光
Each time, I turned into a lanky lighthouse, my red face beaming for all to see.
Turn left at the corner and go straight ahead until you see a red brick building.
在拐角处向左拐, 然后一直走直到你看见一个红砖砌的大楼。
Archerys shooting amoured knights. You see me? I'm the guy with red bow at full draw.
When Little Red Cap got to the house,she was very surprised to see the door wide open.
People should look red autumnal leaves to hill, I take one binoculars to see in the home!
Under the microscope you can see well that there are red and white corpuscles in the blood.
I am a light achromatopsia sufferer, and it is a little difficult for me to see the color red.
Little Red Riding Hood and her mother did not see a shadow under the flash from their windows.
The Dutchman feared his dad would never see him don a red shirt after being diagnosed with cancer.
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单词 see red 释义

  • 单词释义:<口>大怒;攘臂嗔目  [更多..]



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