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单词 seep water 例句大全,用单词seep water造句:

and feeling the water seep through your shirt
the seep hole is connected with transparent casing and water tank.
to abandon the foot of the water drop, it will seep into the soil moist earth
把一滴水水弃之脚下, 它会渗入土壤滋润大地
Application of Seep Stoppage Technique by Pressure Casting in Water Supply Structure
Usually it is hard for small amounts of water to seep down into the ground and be absorbed.
If meteoric water does not evaporate or run overland, it may seep directly into the ground.
Toxic effluents, including pesticides and herbicides, seep into ground water or directly into irrigation canals.
有毒废水, 杀虫剂, 除草剂等渗入地下水或直接进入灌溉渠。
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