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单词 sell out 例句大全,用单词sell out造句:

Diana concert tickets sell out in minutes A photo of Princess Diana.
When the shares had almost doubled in value, he decided to sell out.
Don't tell me you're going to sell out and take a job in advertising!
You actually think thatI would sell out my children for a lousy drink
And that they could figure it out that we could sell this stuff to kids.
他们也许会断定 我们会把这些玩意儿推销给孩子们。
I have written to him and demanded his authority to sell out some stock.
Soon they began to sell out their country's sovereignty and independence.
We sell direct from the factory to the customer and cut out the middleman.
我们从工厂向顾客直接销售, 绕过了中间商。
Pure silk garments are our best selling goods. They sell out fast very year.
Placard, also sell out, that the form is together, the knife mows generally.
Sales department is obliged to sell out the inventory by the end of the year.
In other words, be yourself and face reality, but dont sell out to convenience.
Whenever you enter a trade, print out the charts that prompted you to buy or sell.
不管你何时进行交易, 把提示买卖喜好的图打印出来。
If you sell out lose your goals you betray all those passionate people who work with you.
When I grew a little bigger, I went out to collect the waste copper, iron, and broken glass to sell.
Occasionally entrepreneurs sell out and become committed members of corporate teams, adding their spirit of enterprise.
Sell oil, build pipelines and use all the nasty tricks to drive your rivals out of business sabotage and espionage included.
Countertrend traders sell short when an upside breakout starts running out of speed and cover when a downtrend starts petering out.
Internazionale have ruled out any suggestions that they were prepared to sell star striker Christian Vieri to Premiership moneybags Chelsea.
They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is not relative to the situation at hand.
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单词 sell out 释义

  • 单词释义:出售股份;脱销; 卖掉;<非正>背叛  [更多..]



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