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Their work points vary according to the season and the job.
Cold drinks are particularly appropriate to the hot season.
Since the season was far advanced, he soon returned to Gaul.
鉴于季节不太合适, 他不久就返回了高卢。
Spring is the season when flowers to bloom and leaves to grow.
This season for more than Adobe Al crucial, crucial to our team.
这个赛季不止对奥多姆很关键, 也对我们球队很关键。
The best season to travel Japan is Autumn, not hot nor too cold.
Ann has a season ticket as she takes the train to work every day.
It has season to quarry the jade, it is mainly autumn and spring.
All stock should have access to pasture during the grazing season.
在放牧季节, 所有的牲畜都可享用牧草。
I just wanted to give god a big shout out for this amazing season.
我想大声歌颂上帝 给我们如此精彩的一季比赛。
That has belonged to the amatory season be away from we are not far.
The price of vegetables and fruits fluctuates according to the season.
Many animals begin to store food before the advent of the cold season.
Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.
The holiday season runs from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day in America.
在美国, 假日季节是从感恩节一直到新年。
Add canned tomato. Saute for another 3 or 4 minutes. Add salt to season.
To date, Arsenal have not lost in 17 games from the start of the season.
To date, Arsenal have not lost in 19 games from the start of the season.
This is the season to celebrate dreams, angels and visitations from God!
Andrew Bynum was bed as the player most likely to have a breakout season.
I like to go to the coast in the off season and have the beach to myself.
我喜欢在旅游淡季去海滨, 独自一人在沙滩上。
The new season, led by Lan, I believe that we are able to achieve this goal.
新赛季, 在卞兰的带领下, 我相信我们有能力实现这一目标。
But this season's foreign aid open policy, this dialed the human to enliven.
The team will be anxious to make up for a disappointing start to the season.
Sir Alex Ferguson plans to revert Alan Smith back into a striker next season.
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