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单词 run out on 例句大全,用单词run out on造句:

Wanna get a copied biscuit to work out the shit.just on the run.
行文流畅, 句子精简, 中心思想明确, 语言干脆利落。
The insurance on his BMW has run out, and the car stands unused.
Machine guns on Japanese destroyers dont run out of ammo anymore.
Instead, he's angry trade bait, run out on a rail because of Abreu.
Why would I help someone who would run out on his family, abandoning his child ?
At first, I used to run out of breath quickly, but now I can just keep on swimming.
起初我会很快喘不过气, 但现在就可以一直游下去。
It makes eyes water or the battery tends to run out on the edge of a cliffhanger moment.
On the day they are ordered out to Battle, your soldiers may weep, those sitting up Bedewing their garments, and those lying down letting the tears run down their cheeks.
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