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单词 run test 例句大全,用单词run test造句:

They are each run once at the beginning and end of the test fixture.
Once again, you need to calculate a scaling factor for each test run.
Then you should automate any test that will be run more than 10 times.
The system will test automatically after operator run the test system.
This diagnostic test can be run only on a local Unified Messaging server.
You can run a mobile test, either from a device or from the test workbench.
Test run shall be carried out as per the approved test plans and procedures.
Sustain fixing and test run on site, and analyst and manage electric troubles.
支持现场安装调试电气设备, 分析处理现场故障。
To run the sample, you need to build the solution and then run the test macro.
若要运行该示例, 需要生成解决方案, 然后运行测试宏。
The Test Run, Certification and Productive Maintenance for CleanRoom HVAC System
无尘室空调系统的试车, 验证与运行维护
Hey. Sorry to barge in, but I did a test run, And I really need your opinion. Now?
不好意思闯进来了,我试烤了一份 请给点专业意见,现在吗?
We must take the plant through the test run and finally into commercial operation.
This system has already been succeeded in developing and putting into the test run.
The next column shows the number of times that line is executed during the test run.
Or enter values of your choice for Start Time and End Time from within the test run duration.
These test scenarios were also combined to form a suite of tests which were run simultaneously.
Investigation on Data of Dissolved Gas Analysis during Heat Run Test of Large Power Transformers
The shape, run and change trend of shaft center trajectory are consistent to the test result too.
I just want to run a quick neuropsych test on you. No. No!Go take your test. II have a baby to feed.
我要给你做个心理测试,不 去考试 我要喂小孩
In 1989, only 2 percent of the students could pass a fitness test that included a mile run, situps, sit-and-reach, and pull-ups.
A baseline run of the latency test, using default settings for WebSphere MQ Low Latency Messaging, gives the results shown in Figure 5.
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