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单词 run to 例句大全,用单词run to造句:

At what RPM should I run my general pump to achieve a desired flow.
He disguises oneself to run away into woman according to the guess.
You to avoid the obstacles by jumping asas possible to run farther.
你必须借跳跃避开障碍, 尽可能跑的更远。
Unable to afford a new car, we had to run the old one into the ground.
Israel parliament gives preliminary approval to allow Netanyahu to run.
These pipes are provided to allow rain water to run away from the house.
I to run a lottery sales point to ask how to apply and how the proceeds.
我想办个彩票销售点, 请问怎么申请和收益如何。
However most users will want to access their logs and run reports remotely.
He always tried to run away from responsibilities when an accident happened.
I met the pig all academic society to netting. Has not run into you actually.
Vehicles that run on LPG need to be specially adapted using a conversion kit.
She told herself it was absurd to allow her imagination to run away with her.
Pair allows the service to run under an account other than the system account.
And if I happen to run into anybody who needs it, I'd be glad to recommend it.
I run to cross the people standing there, because I must be quicker to arrive.
The development programme have to is abandoned when the company run out of cash.
公司的资金全部用完, 不得不放弃其发展计划。
Will they flaunt convention, abandon families, and run away to pursue lost dreams
Just like in the long run, in the dark on the sun is a adapt to the same process.
My own tastes run to a comfortable apartment, somewhere high in a modern building.
Run the Country According to Law and Build a Socialist Country Under the Rule of Law
We run regular training courses to acquaint our staff with occupational safety matters.
It would be sheer folly to buy such a large car we wouldnt be able to afford to run it.
Acclimatized here the next day, several times a day to run down the university hospital.
来这里第二天就水土不服, 一天下来跑几次校医院。
She saw that he resented her shrinkingbut it seemed to excite him to run amuck the more.
她知道自己的退缩使他气恼, 结果仿佛使他更加狂暴起来。
Allow the engine to run at idle speed for a few minutes without pressing the accelerator.
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单词 run to 释义

  • 单词释义:趋向, 向…去;<主英>驱车(送某人)去…  [更多..]



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