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单词 roll out 例句大全,用单词roll out造句:

Formation by composite roll out of the white point of the composite membranes have.
China may roll out its first weather insurance coverage before the end of the year.
Roll dumplings mean dumplings to the pot from the roll out of the homophonic child!
Today Linden announced the first statewide roll out of a virtual learning environment.
Place the dough in plastic bag and roll out to about 3 mm thickness and chill overnight.
We were watching the waves roll in and out and we wished we could stay at the beach forever.
For the tartlet base, roll out the dough to about 3mm thickness and line buttered tartlet molds.
As these alternatives start to roll out in earnest, their rise, optimists hope, will become inexorable.
Analysis and design of constant tension control system of quickly rolling away out of great roll diameter
This is currently just a beta product, but MySpace will roll this service out globally over the coming weeks.
The vice captain leads the team when the captain is ill. As soon as the roll had been called, the leader told the men to fall out.
队长有病时, 副队长领队。一点过名, 队长就让士兵们原地解散。
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单词 roll out 释义

  • 单词释义:迁出;铺开;起床;滚了出来;滔滔不绝地讲出来  [更多..]



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