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单词 RME 例句大全,用单词RME造句:

Man was a hunter, a herdsman, a farmer, a fighter.
Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
用迷术的, 交鬼的, 行巫术的, 过阴的。
What a cheap in BeiJing, watermelon are a dime a dozen.
The countryside is home to a farmer, a cow and a horse.
农村是农民, 牛和马的家。
He runs away from a cow, and a horse, and a farmer.
A part of a garment, such as a dress, that is gathered into a puff.
Raid a surprise attack by a smallarmed force.
And work as a farmer for a day.
Oh, you're a gourmet.
Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron, to give him dignity and honor.
你要给你哥哥亚伦做圣衣为荣耀, 为华美。
And the holy garments of Aaron shall be his sonsafter him, to be anointed therein, and to be consecrated in them.
亚伦的圣衣要留给他的子孙, 可以穿着受膏, 又穿着承接圣职。
They have now abandoned their former policy, which is tantamount to admitting that it was wrong.
Farmers abandoned the land for more lucrative employment in the booming construction industry.
He told her that Windu was responsible for the abandonment of her former Jedi mentor.
It forbids tormenting women with superstitious and violent means and bans maltreatment or abandonment of aged women.
He abandoned his former career as a geologist.
One day a farmer's donkey fell into abandoned well.
有一天, 一个农夫的驴掉进了一口废井里。
Two former stores were abandoned and boarded in.
原先的两家店关闭了, 门窗都用木板钉死了。
Ecological Economics Analysis about Abandoning Farmland and Countermeasures
He performed his wedding oath and didnt abandon his wife in a serious illness.
他履行了结婚誓言, 对重病的妻子不离不弃。
Behind the abandoned arable land also reflects the lack of land rights of farmers.
The abandoned quarry is a type of special landscape, formed under the influence of human activity.
He performed a few gambols with such abandon that the child suddenly saw him to be a valuable thing.
它尽情地蹦着跳着, 孩子突然发现它是件宝贝了。
a loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth
Florida wants to ensure an adequate flow to the Apalachicola river, formed by the confluence of the Flint and Chattahoochee.

单词 RME 释义

  • 单词释义:raw material 原材料;rat mammary epithelial 大鼠乳腺上皮的;rape methyl ester (用来代替柴油的)油菜甲基酯;rat microvascular endothelial 大鼠小血管上皮的  [更多..]



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