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单词 river bank 例句大全,用单词river bank造句:

The river bank forests make the river corridor abound with ecological significance.
The right bank of the Thames River is on the south side because the river flows east.
Every year, the government spends a large amount of money in repairing the river bank.
For your safety, please stay away from the river bank during the firework performance.
The right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream.
The second part is the river bank state capital agricultural economy development condition.
Every morning, along the river bank my doggy go jogging with me and enjoy sunrise together.
The Majia River Resort is located in Majia river bank, is a collection of forest recreation.
马颊河度假村位于马颊河畔, 是集森林休闲。
Spring has arrived, and the rapeseeds along the river bank are blossoming with small flowers.
The dragonfly flew to walk, the kitty caught, getting empty to begin to return to river bank.
Ferry people to the other side of the river The victim was found lying dead on the river bank.
The branches and leaves of the weeping willows by the river bank are stretching into the river.
The fifth part forms the reason and the characteristic for the river bank state capital economy.
The third part for Qing Dynasty river bank state capital handicraft industry existence condition.
Third chapter. This part elaborates Yalu River bank and the Tumen river bank smuggling situation.
Regardless of howling wind and torrential rain, the workers rushed to the river bank to check dam.
The victim was found lying dead on the river bank. Yue Fei was only39 at the time he was executed.
The shadow of trees tinges the river with green, and the willows cast a deep hue over the river bank.
Design of Modification to the Pearl River Bank in Haiyin Park Section and the Engineering Construction
The WillowWren was twittering his thin little song, hidden himself in the dark selvedge of the river bank.
You know, we see the hills more clearly in their reflections on the water than the hills on the river bank.
Analysis on Effects of Constructions Building nearby the River Bank or across the River on Navigation Conditions
临河, 跨河建筑物对航道条件影响分析
Practice in river regulation and bank revetment works of middle and lower stream of the Yangtze river and prospect.
Preliminary analysis of river bed evolution near the bank and collapse mechanism of dangerous bank section of Jingjiang river
In Africa there lives an extraordinary tree. She is the queen of the river bank, a monarch whose story stretches back millions of years.
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