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单词 Rios 例句大全,用单词Rios造句:

Rios Favelados and the myths of marginality.
夏铸九, 王志弘空间的文化形式与社会理论读本。
Thats what happens and Rios decided to sort it out.
这就是在费迪南德身上发生的, 我们要治好他。
Rios investigation, crucially, did not extend to the mens private dealings.
The arrest was the latest stage of a crisis that started over Rios negotiations to fix an annual price for iron ore.
The main obstacle had been the extent to which Chinalco would be represented on Rios board of directors, he explained.
他解释道, 中铝能得到几个董事会席位成为主要障碍。

单词 Rios 释义

  • 单词释义:里奥斯(姓氏)  [更多..]



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