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单词 own up to 例句大全,用单词own up to造句:

I advise you to own up at once.
He tried to play up his own accomplishments.
It's up to the union to settle its own affairs.
你们会里的事, 你们自己去解决。
He determined to set up a business on his own account.
She had plans to set up in business on her own account.
I'm afraid that this shipment was not up to your own standard.
I have a right to bring him up according to my own prescription.
She tried to play down his part in the affair and play up her own.
She tried to plays down his part in the affair and play up her own.
她试图贬低他在这件事情中的作用, 夸大她自己的作用。
She tried to go play down his part in the affair and play up her own.
They had their own intention to applaud praisecried up the book greatly.
These memories are, in fact, an attempt on his part to build up his own image.
When there's nothing else to do, we can amuse ourselves by making up our own games.
Apart from that I have my own reputation to keep up and I don't want you disgracing me.
Accession to the WTO is China's own needs for reform, opening up and economic development.
Simultaneously, the House of Representatives will attempt to come up with its own draft of a bill.
与此同时, 众议院将尝试采用其自己的法案初稿。
You should own no book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face down.
你害怕做上记号的书, 或者不敢摊开。
He began wandering about for his living at the age of fifteen and ten years later he managed to set up his own career as an actor.
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单词 own up to 释义

  • 单词释义:承认;承认错误,坦白  [更多..]



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