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单词 other than 例句大全,用单词other than造句:

If the customer wishes to choose a carrier other than truck, he must bear the additional charges.
如果客户要求卡车以外的运输工具, 就必须负担额外费用。
The new bonds, other than those governed by Argentine law, will include Collective Action Clauses.
Abandonment of post is a separation initiated by the staff member other than by way of resignation.
A child is being beaten is nothing other than the signifying articulation, A child is being beaten.
Application to Reserve a Vehicle Registration Mark for Auction Other than Special Registration Marks
Causes of the liver disorder other than the use of the aforementioned antimycotic drug were excluded.
Womens sexpartner numbers are dependent on things other than attractiveness, Thornhill told LiveScience.
The other peaks are present in the chromatogram for reasons other than efficiency and asymmetry measurement.
Other than prep. With the exception of except for besides Other than one sister, she has no close relatives.
除了有一个姊妹外, 她没有其他近亲了。
any of various anemic conditions that are not successfully treated by any means other than blood transfusions.
Mens trousers, breeches, of cotton, industrial and career apparel, other than playsuit, without thermal lining.
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, other than of procelain or china.
Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
The fact remains that human beings do receive accurate knowledge, through sources other than the physical senses.
人类已确能借由肢体感官以外的源头,接收精确知 识。
Traditional translation studies usually attach more importance to the product study other than the process study.
Appearing to emanate from a source other than the actual point of origin. Used chiefly of intelligence operations.
出自非真实的来源, 主要指情报处理。
A majority of the Members other than Associate Members shall constitute a quorum for the meetings of the Assembly.
They found that something released by algae, other than microcystins, had an endocrine disrupting effect on the fish.
他们发现, 藻华产生的某种物质对鱼的内分泌有影响。
Other textile fabrics, impregnated, coated or covered with materials other than rubber, plastic, gum or amylaceous substances.
Other mens singlets and other vests, including boysNo. 8No. 18, other than underwear, of cot ton, knitted or crocheted.
Other mens trousers, breeches, industrial and career apparel, of synthetic fibres, other than playsuit, without thermal lining.
Other ornamental trimmings in the piece, tassels, pompons and similar articles without embroidery, other than knitted or crocheted.
he is no longer hand-fed, and has been retrained with rewards to swim away from, rather than toward, all boats other than his ' walk ' boat.
Other mens or boystrousers, breeches, with thermal lining, industrial and career apparel, other than playsuit, of synthetic fibres.
If participants choose to stay in other hotel other than the official hotel, the same amount of entry fee given above will be chargeable by the organizer.
如参赛者选择入住其他酒店, 组委员仍须收取相同之报名费。
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单词 other than 释义

  • 单词释义:不同,不同于,不;除了;绝不是  [更多..]



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