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单词 policy cost 例句大全,用单词policy cost造句:

The policy will put on the cost of living.
Three basic factors determine policy cost.
A policy might increase efficiency at the cost of equity.
This insurance policy does not cover vehicle maintenance cost.
Property Right, Contract Cost and the Choice of Enterprises Accounting Policy
产权, 订约成本与企业会计政策选择
Policy to Improve Agricultural Environment and Principles in Its Cost Sharing
The expected cost per unit of time for a sequential inspection policy is derived.
policy holder is handing in before two years of cost , expenses expenses is larger.
投保人在交费的前两年, 费用开支较大。
The management of economic policy and the absence of cost pressures have also contributed to these results.
During period of heavy piracy at sea, the amount of interest and the cost of the policy went up considerably.
在海盗活动猖獗期间, 利益总数和政策显著增长。
There are certainly some political questions that have definite answers, like how much a new government policy will cost.
Our company customer service policy we will gladly replace goods at cost price for cracks and accidental damage for up to 2 years.
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