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单词 realize on 例句大全,用单词realize on造句:

Fulfill the Scientific Development Conception and Realize the New Leap on Locomotive
Mikey, do you realize how long I have been here out on the streets, on this crusade.
Cooperative network based on value chain should realize seamless marketing management.
Regarding the Student As the Center On How to Realize the Student Centric Teaching Mode
On the Guanyin Top, we will come to realize Buddhism Guanyins leniency for human beings.
Only when Mr.Black made a speech at the meeting did I realize I had bet on the wrong horse.
As time goes on, I realize that no Christian is exempt from the burdens of the sinful nature.
后来我终于认识到, 基督徒不能免于我们罪性的重负。
Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.
On the contrary, it becomes the foundation to realize the domination and the exclusion of real right.
相反, 占有构成物权实现其支配性和排他性的基础。
Nursing for the patients with malignant pleural effusion treated on chemotherapy by thoracic cather to realize
Many people do not realize that improvements on your home are not necessary in order to take the tax deduction.
They have shipped the goods here for consignment sale. Please advise how much we can realize on this consignment.
In order to realize the system of pronouncing a judgment in court, the corresponding reforms need to be carried on.
The vitrified surface of glass microspheres can realize the chemical corrosion resistant, and reflex action on light.
Knife press force is evenly distributed on the rotary knife through the knife box to realize reliable clamping and positioning.
Another big boost for the bridge is the expectation that trade will flourish when consumers realize what bargains lie on the other side.
Research on the Environmental Protection Objectives and the Countermeasures against the Environmental Problems to Basically Realize the Modernization of Panyu
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