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单词 reaction time 例句大全,用单词reaction time造句:

And consumption of milk and dark chocolate was associated with improved impulse control and reaction time.
The factors affecting the polymerization such as reaction temperature and reaction time were investigated.
The influence of solvent, reaction time and monomer concentration on the grafting percentage was discussed.
But a test of reaction instrument physical volume that this time design is small, measuring the accuracy high.
而本次设计的反应灵敏度测试仪器体积小, 测量精度高。
Fast maneuver and fast reaction, and arrive at the service place required by the customer in the shortest time.
快速机动, 反应迅速, 在最短时间内到达客户要求服务地点。
The thickness of the silver iodide film is controlled by the concentration of the iodine and the reaction time.
It is found that the concentration variations of components with time conform to the regularity of consecutive reaction.
The experiment runs on different reaction conditions and its results show that deposit of slag need some time to reach static state.
Studies on the method of controlling enzymatic reaction time of acetylene reduction in determining associative nitrogenase activity of associative system
英文例句大全为您提供reaction time英文例句大全,reaction time英文造句,关于reaction time的英语句子,单词reaction time怎么造句,reaction time英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于reaction time,英语单词reaction time的句子,单词reaction time如何造句,reaction time怎么造句等。

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