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单词 prescribed limit 例句大全,用单词prescribed limit造句:

correct within the prescribed time limit
fail to observe the time limit prescribed by law
dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit
Tax payers have the right to apply for review within prescribed time limit.
In charge of a motor vehicle with alcohol concentration above prescribed limit
The Customs shall not accept an appeal lodge after the expiry of the prescribed time limit.
Why do we have to stick to conventions and dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit?
我们为什么要墨守成规, 不敢越雷池一步呢?
Shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit, as further extension will no be considered.
装运期必须在规定得期限内完成, 再次展期将不予考虑。
If the employer fails to pay within the prescribed time limit, a fine for delaying payment shall affixed.
unless the creditors fail to declare the creditors rights within the prescribed time limit due to major faults.
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单词 prescribed limit 释义

  • 单词释义:给定极限,规定极限,已知范围  [更多..]



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