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单词 SIRE 例句大全,用单词SIRE造句:

But exceeding desire is not happy, however ego abandon, abandon oneself to vice.
但过度的欲望不是幸福, 而是自我放纵, 自甘堕落。
Having cut off this, the wise ones without desires wander about as monks, having abandoned all suffering.
智者断除渴爱之束缚, 舍离一切苦而遨游。
Any desired abbreviation of the name for use on ballot papers.
To being one of the human societies, I deeply abhor the behavior caused by the mankinds gradually expansible desire.
人口危机, 能源危机, 环境危机等像瘟疫一样缠绕整个人类。
If he had one abiding trait, it was his desire of astonishing people.
如果说他有什么经常性的癖好的话, 那就是他老想惹人吃惊。
Ability to communicate in English desireable.
Effectiveness the ability to produce a desired result or effect.
It is desired to have management skill and coordination ability.
Willpower is the ability to inhibit an impulse or desire.
Well, then, is it not better to use what is in thy power like a free man than to desire in a slavish and abject way what is not in thy power
因为肯定, 如果他们能与人合作, 他们也能在这些方面合作。
but at some point they had to at least suggest the abject nature of the bestial desire.
vt. I could be able to curb my desires. vt.
Behind female life fault child, is the sexual desire able to come down
Mr. Alcott, a lady near me desires to inquire whether omnipotence abnegates attribute ?
阿尔柯特先生, 我身旁的一位太太想问你全能是否没有个性?
psychotherapy that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by reinforcing desired behavior and extinguishing undesired behavior
There goes the siren for passengers to go aboard.
If this countrys desire to abolish nuclear weapons is genuime, it could raise the iron curtain for evermore.
如果该国消除核武器的愿望是真的, 那就能永远去除铁幕了。
Decline or absence of sexual desire.
Absent desire, not going to happen.
The athlete had an absolute desire to compete in the Olympics.
True happiness is Peace, a state of mind achieved through perceiving the Absolute Reality and freedom from Desire.
and to approach me to fulfill their desires would also be absolutely futile.
为了满足欲望而接近我, 也必定绝对地徒劳无益。
After emulsion or essence, apply desired amount evenly onto face and gently massage to absorb.
Spread onto desired part, gently massage to allow absorption.
涂抹所需部位, 轻轻按摩, 直到吸收。
I abstained the desire of having it, instead I only.
我舍弃了想吃的欲望, 而只是。

单词 SIRE 释义

  • 单词释义:satellite infrared experiment 卫星红外实验;Small Investors Real Estate (plan) 不动产的小投资者(计划);Society for the Investigation of Recurring Events 常发事件研究会  [更多..]



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