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单词 Take care 例句大全,用单词Take care造句:

It was created to take care of and bring up orphans and abandoned children as well as give them a trade.
I take care of both to the best of my ability.
I was such an irresponsible son, not having been able to take care for my mom when she was ill.
Take care! Fish is able to throw the hook.
Maybe I wanted to be so successful and so able to take responsibility that I would do so and I would be able to take care of my attending's patients.
也许我太想 可以独当一面,可以不需要 和我的主治沟通
I know you'll be able to take care of it.
One day she won't be able to take care of herself anymore.
Ill be glad to help you take care of the baby for a week during your absence.
要是你离家一个星期, 我很乐意帮你照顾婴儿。
I'll accompany you to the airport, thereafter you must take care of yourself.
According to the weather report, there is thunderstorm tonight. Take care while driving on the road.
So do take care to dress accordingly and keep healthy.
Take care to square up accurately the boards to form the front, back, and sides.
I ached to be of an age to take care of myself.
We must take care not to be carried away by our achievements.
We must also take care not to negatively affect the achievements already realized.
Students who use speakers, computers, or other acoustic equipment must take care not to disturb others.
在宿舍内使用音响, 电脑等应以不干扰他人为前提。
I'll take care of his friends and acquaintances.
As an actress, I have to take care of my body so I'm always dieting and training my body.
Take care to add the bill up correctly.
In addition, I musted take care of my brother and my Grandpa.
另外, 我必须照顾我的小弟弟和年迈的爷爷。
Please take care to send your name, address, and either telephone number or e-mail address.
Why did she adopt a koala That's probably a hard pet to take care of.
她为什么要收养无尾熊呢? ? 宠物应该很难照顾吧。
Take care that arrangements to spend quality time together are made in advance.
My second uncle who lives in front of our house applied to retire in advance in order to take care fo his ill wife.
This adventure is unpredicable, you must take care of yourselves.
英文例句大全为您提供Take care英文例句大全,Take care英文造句,关于Take care的英语句子,单词Take care怎么造句,Take care英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于Take care,英语单词Take care的句子,单词Take care如何造句,Take care怎么造句等。

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