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单词 picks 例句大全,用单词picks造句:

If the wind picks up, the two hop back aboard.
如果风速加快, 这两人可跳回到船上。
This car picks up speed with just a touch of the accelerator.
The car picks up speed with just a touch of the accelerator.
The bus picks up speed with a touch at the accelerator.
把加速器轻轻一踩, 车子得速度就加快了。
Once the economy picks up, cut costs and achieve profitability seems to be readily available.
Even as an acquittal and your toothbrush picks tomorrow morning into the void!
The action picks up in the third act.
I adore the way that he picks up the opposing player that he has just clattered into by the scruff of the neck.
我崇拜他, 他把刚刚因为拼抢撞倒在地的对手友好的拉起来。
Consulting with an insurance adviser, he picks an insurance plan to fit his new circumstances.
The Factors Affecting the Life of the Forging Die for the Cutting Picks and Pick Pedestals
It's only a matter of time before the media picks upYeah, I just had afterschool stuff
Susan drives the children to school in the morning and picks them up afterschool.
苏珊早上开车送孩子们去学校, 然后放学再接他们回家!
If desired one can also use aids such as toothpicks and dowels of different sizes.
Leela picks Ben up from the airport when he returns from Hong Kong.
本从香港回来, 莉拉去机场接机。
Why do I always have to do the hard job and Han Jia always picks easy ones to do?
When ambush picks on jujube tree's date to eat not the morals side conveniently.
She picks up back to jilt to go out of wrap, but the husband lie at pool of blood amid.
So quiet place one day, make potted flower temperature picks up gradually, make potted flower sufferring aspic progressively anabiosis.
如此静置一日, 使盆花温度逐渐回升, 让受冻盆花逐步复苏。
Analysis of Civil Obligations of Stock Picks
Red shrugs off his jacket and picks up a sander. Together, they start sanding the hull as we.
US Captain Corey Pavin will announce his four Captains Picks on September 7.
US Captain Corey Pavin will announce his four Captains Picks on September 5.
I say it when Dorothy picks an apple off my branch.
Kratos picks up Athenas Blade and walks back over to Ares.
Ares picks up a broken pillar and hurls it at toward the desert.
阿瑞斯捡起一根断了的石柱, 用力朝着沙漠的那边掷了过去。

单词 picks 释义

  • 单词释义:镐( pick的名词复数 );最佳选择;选中的人(或物)  [更多..]



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