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单词 madmen 例句大全,用单词madmen造句:

Lovers and madmen have such seething brains.
Playing dram on the stage and watching dram under the stage. People playing dram are madmen and people watching dram are foolish.
台上的在演戏, 台下的在看戏, 演戏的是疯子, 看戏的是傻子。
The guys a madman. But even madmen need limits, maybe more than other people, even.
那个人是疯子, 但是疯子也要有分寸, 甚至比常人需要更多。
Am I so short of madmen that you have to bring this fellow here to carry on like this in front of me
The true of history is that stupid men follow madmen.

单词 madmen 释义



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