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单词 Lear 例句大全,用单词Lear造句:

A littlelearning is a dangerous thing.
a voice with a full, clear tone.
The stock case study presents a tidy narrative arc, with a protagonist and a clear story line.
A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory.
问心无愧, 一般是记性差的表现。
This goes all the way back to what they learnt in the AAU.
What did We Learn from Catheter Ab la tion of Atrial Fibrillation in the Past10 Years
Sing the Song of Abacus, Learning Mental Arithmetic with an Abacus
唱算盘歌, 学珠心算
Learn how to use an abacus.
They also learned to use the abacus.
The children are learning to do their sums on an abacus.
Learning abacus made my son more interested in math.
You will have a fun time learning to play the abacus.
An abacus provides concrete experiences for learning abstract concepts.
As the students learn to manipulate the beads on the abacus, they learn to add and subtract.
学生在算盘上拨拉算珠, 学习加减。
Learn to use an abacus, and you might even be able to use the same techniques to do rapidfire math in your head.
学习使用算盘, 你还能使用同样技巧在头脑中实现速算。
I also learned that many of those who had known me for a long time found it impossible to abandon the idea of Martin they had in their heads.
我发现 认识我很久的人 发现他们无法忽视我的想法
During these three years, I have learned a strong man, to understand the value and abandonment.
Any nuclear disarmament policy, in order to be reliable, must involve abandonment of the policy of deterrence and the doctrine of force.
Learn to be detached from the world and completely abandoned to God.
And we learned also that the site was entirely abandoned in 1946.
我们也得知这个地方 在 1948 年就已经完全废弃。
And Libya recently abandoned its nuclear and chemical weapons programmes.
We learned from those jumbles that the captain hadnt given orders to abandon the ship.
At times he seems recklessly sanguine about the economic impact of abandoning nuclear power.
有时对于废除核电对经济造成影响, 他似乎盲目地乐观。
Narglatch young abandoned at birth and must learn to fend for themselves at a young age.
纳格拉驰的幼兽自出生起就被抛弃, 必须从小学会保护自己。
When learning something, one should not be self-abased nor self-important.

单词 Lear 释义

  • 单词释义:Shakespeare 著<李尔王>中的主人翁  [更多..]



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