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单词 Keep 例句大全,用单词Keep造句:

A woman who keeps a brothel a madam.
a memento a souvenir a keepsake a remembrance a token
Keep the line with a tray,put a knife,a fork and a piece of paper napkin on it.
keep a good watch over a child
A body into a fingerring for a keepsake forever.
We have to lay the sails aback in order to keep on course.
When you pass the grade of reckoning by abacus, you may keep the psychology of Wallenda and it is in favor of exerting your level.
珠算通级时保持瓦伦达心态, 有利于水平得发挥。
Follow it north to the abandoned Keep.
Stick to not abandon or change sth. Keep to sth.
Deserted by an owner or keeper abandoned.
抛弃的, 遗弃的被拥有或保管者抛弃的放弃的
Across America beekeepers are finding hives abandoned.
She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.
We should abandon all outmoded conventions and customs to keep pace with new era.
This is where we keep babies that have been abandoned or are being put up for adoption.
Keeping them that way without sacrificing Mr Abbas could be a challenge.
The monks of Ettal keep the abbey in good repair.
Keep your face to the sunshine and you abbot see the shadow.
把脸朝向阳光, 你就不会看见阴影。
As the bowls keep coming, the abbot is careful to point out that he normally eats very plain food.
菜不断地被端上来, 方丈矜持地说自己吃饭一般很简单。
Abdomen drawing as far as possible, but keeping carrying on eupnea, doing not feel suffocated.
By keeping the abdominal muscles relaxed, the pelvis can move freely.
With regard to the abduction, we are keeping close contact with Sudan.
对于此事件, 我们与苏方保持着密切联系。
Gen 42 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
创42又生了该隐的兄弟亚伯。亚伯是牧羊的, 该隐是种地的。
And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a farmer.
亚伯是牧羊的, 该隐是种地的。
Abel becomes a keeper of flocks, and Cain a tiller of the soil.
亚伯成为了牧羊人, 该隐成了土地的耕种者。
Accomplish abide by contract keep good faith, ensure finish manufacturing jobschedule on time.
完成重协议守信义, 保证按期按时结束岀产项目。

单词 Keep 释义

  • 单词释义:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 基普职业名称,受雇于城堡主楼者,来源于中世纪英语,含义是“维持,保卫”(to hold,defend)  [更多..]



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