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单词 Jap 例句大全,用单词Jap造句:

Speaking English, Japanese and French. Doing calculation with an abacus or mind.
Americans pressed the Japanese government to abandon its single-minded support of businessmen.
From top to bottom the whole nation must at once abandon any idea of being able to live in submissive peace with the Japanese aggressors.
Analyse of fatty acids composition in the seeds of C. Japonica L. And C. Oleifera Abel.
The jape is on you, Abel, you and your murdering whores.
这次命运用你开玩笑了, 你和你得婊子杀手门。
Ability to speak Japanese a plus.
Effect of extracts form earthworm P. Aspergillum on the differentiation of abnormal eyes in Dugesia japonica
Primary results for screening of restorer lines with wild abortive cytoplasm in japonica hybrid rice
One of the significant transitions in the Japanese honorific system was the change in speech from absolute honorifics to relative honorifics.
Studies on the Correlation Between Fertilizing and Fertilizer Absorbing of Zoysia japonica While Forming a Turf
Reference materials room has abundant materials of English, Japanese, French and Vietnamese.
Chinese and Japanese are representative languages with abundant use of onomatopoeia among them.
students who attended accelerated courses at the normal school in Japan
a Prononciation and Intonation Standard American or British Accent are preferred, as well as Standard Japanese.
语音语调应使用标准英国英语或美国英语, 标准日语。
Management has realised that workers are still not ready to accept Japanese-style working methods.
After all, who has the right to accept the surrender of the Japanese and puppets
Brief Comments on Accepting Surrender of Japanese Aggressors in Zhijiang
General of and Japan to buy some small accessories, clothing and so on.
一般的买些韩日的小饰物, 衣服等。
In sum, what mentioned above all belongs to the features of Japanese accessory word and auxiliary verb.
A junction between Japanese and German forces would be accomplished in India through the Persian Gulf.
德日两军通过波斯湾, 会师印度。
Arrest the ringleaders of the proJapanese clique and bring them to trial in accordance with the law of the land.
逮捕各亲日派首领, 交付国法审判。
Glottal stop did not exist according to the structure of original phonology in Japanese.
根据日语原始的音韵结构, 最先没有促音。
Kier heatexchanger manufacture according to highest industrial standard U.S.A Japan.
规范制作, 高强度耐高压筒身及热交换器。
Indeed, there are still structural obstacles to a dramatic overhaul of Japan's corporations. Accounting systems aren't easily understood, bankruptcy laws are inadequate, the judicial process is slow.
Learning Japanese and American experience to reset the pedagogical objectives of accounting
日, 美会计教育目标及其启示

单词 Jap 释义

  • 单词释义:<俚>日本佬,日本鬼子  [更多..]



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