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单词 ship, 例句大全,用单词ship,造句:

All aboard! Everyone come onto the ship, please.
请各位? ?。
In the absence of clear political leadership, negotiators have an incentive to be risk averse.
如果没有明确的政治领导, 谈判代表们就会趋利避害。
Concerned about is a kinship, a ray of Acacia, a blessing.
After a short courtship, she accepted his marriage proposal.
With good quality and nice workmanship, our product get wide acclaim from the clients.
我们的产品品质保证, 做工精美, 深受使用客户的好评!
His performances, once acclimatized to the Premiership, have earned him rave reviews.
He was a Neapolitan, and of accomplished scholarship, both Latin and Greek.
We are confident that, under your able leadership, we shall achieve the objectives of our deliberations.
After much hardship, the hero of the novel finally achieved the success that he so well deserved.
I had asked the company of an acquaintanceship, saying is was developed directly by Hai Hang.
In fact, entrepreneurship, like all business, is a social activity.
Instead of a simple black smudge where a torpedo hits the ship, now the ship has an actual hole, from which you can see the guts of the ship.
In addition, the ownership, group and permissions have been preserved.
此外, 所有权, 分组和权限得到了保留。
clearly established ownership, well defined power and responsibility, separation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management
产权明晰, 权责明确, 政企分开, 管理科学
Professor Louie joins HKU with a proven track record of research and scholarship, as well as solid administrative experience.
A wave of admiration, almost of worship, flowed out from Winston towards O'Brien.
温斯顿对奥勃良产生了一种钦佩, 甚至崇拜的心情。
I admire your leadership, as well as your long and illustrious experience in diplomacy.
Competition admission tickets and so on ship, fire, swimming, wheelchair fencing have sold out completely.
The land of our country implements public ownership, and adopt collective land in the countryside.
我国实行土地公有制, 其中, 农村土地归集体所有。
Rights and Responsibilities with Regard to Guardianship, Wardship, Trusteeship and Adoption
We worship, adore, honor, revere
我们崇拜, 爱慕, 敬重, 敬畏
The butterfly adornment that paillette comprises does not provide craftsmanship, ankle of deck sex appeal.
Strengthen the leadership, overall planning, advance our government informationization steadily.
I await your advice of shipment, or the earliest time you propose to ship, by return of mail.
When they can no longer enjoy the warmth of kinship, would they still advocate personal freedom?

单词 ship, 释义



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