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单词 COOP 例句大全,用单词COOP造句:

to scoop a sand hill with a spade.
I live in a house called a coop.
Wih profssioal proucio, sabl qualiy, goo rpuaio a h avaag of low cos, w hav srog cofic a sicr o coopra wih boh omsic busissm a fris from all ovr h worl!
Abe, with the U.S. government will actively carry out military and diplomatic cooperation.
but on this ability to cooperate flexibly in large numbers.
TianHe has consummate productive ability that is based on internal cooperation.
Strong management ability and possess team cooperation spirit.
有较强的管理能力, 富有团队合作精神。
and to be able to get cooperation.
Return what can pass artwork and afforest to cooperate to adorn, change in order to abound colorific.
还可以通过艺术品和绿化的配合来点缀, 以丰富色彩的变化。
The drum of water current concuss, in the heart of aery absentminded, exactly is who is act in cooperation who?
水流的鼓荡, 心中的飘渺恍惚, 到底是谁在呼应着谁?
Both cooperation and defection do not relate to any absolute standard of morality.
Serves for you, with your absolute sincerity cooperation, the communal development, is our without limits pursue.
为您服务, 与您精诚合作, 共同发展, 是我们无止境的追求。
RU This world require an unprecedented level of military cooperation, as well as a commitment from all of you to maintain absolute secrecy.
这将要求空前级别的军事协同, 以及对绝对保密的承诺。
You are absolutely right. We should be more cooperative.
你是对的, 我们应该精诚合作。
It is not absolutely necessary for cooperative parties to formulate contractual JV agreement.
To absorb foreign investment and expand economic cooperation.
吸收外国投资, 扩大经济合作
Method Fetch and daub it on the hand in right amount, cooperate with the massage of law of health care of hand to absorbing.
Companies to cooperate sincerely with the abstract oil paintings, decorative painting orders.
诚与各公司合作抽象油画, 装饰画定单。
abstract Objective To investigate instrument nurses cooperation with physicians and care in pelvic floor reconstruction.
There was no significant correlation between cooperation and academic achievement.
The competition of oligarch and cooperative behavior are the spadework object with industrial academic organization.
Exchanges and cooperation between the CAS and Third World Academy of Sciences
Research on the cooperative education model of American Annapolis Naval Academy
In recent Years, we acceded to the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.
They should confidently accelerate their cooperation with us.

单词 COOP 释义

  • 单词释义:custom order on-line processing 顾客订货联机处理;customer order on-line processing 客户订单联机处理;continuity of operations and plans 工作与计划的连续性;cooperative information project 合作信息项目  [更多..]



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