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单词 sky blue 例句大全,用单词sky blue造句:

The sea was calm and quiet, the sky blue and clear, and the sun warm and bright.
Sky Blue in attendance, rest assured!
在天蓝就诊, 放心!
Sky Blue in attendance ,rest assured !
Color alone white jade green sky blue and Jiangzi, color pragmatic, solemn atmosphere.
颜色为独玉绿白, 酱紫及天蓝, 色泽持重, 大气庄重。
She also features special eye colors sky blue, violet, moss green, and auburn.
她也拥有特别的瞳色, 分别为天蓝色, 紫色, 苔绿色和红褐色。
You want what's like, because an invigorating autumn climate, the sky bluer whiter clouds.
你想啥像啥, 因为秋高气爽, 蓝天更蓝白云更白。
Tanzania stood staring up at the rock the sky, blue sky blue, such as washing.
sky blue glaze vase engraved floral design
That can turn a grey sky blue
Mommie, why is the grass green and the sky blue?
为什么草是青的, 天是蓝的?
Why is the sky blue and why are sunsets red ?
He coloured the flower red and the sky blue.
I fly to the sky blue and shout from deep of my heart. Nothing could stop the calling for freedom.
She wore over her shoulders a short, black cloak or cape, edged with a delicate sky blue motif.
Lighthouse has chosen the sea sky blue, has wanted to let coast hoist the sails with life.
Try to make our sky bluer, our ground greenerour water cleaner.
让一起努力, 让北京的天更蓝, 地更绿, 水更清。
What makes the sky blue, clouds white, and the setting sun red ?
是什么让天空变蓝, 云白, 夕阳红?
The sun was hot this morning, the sky blue and cloudless.
Outside the sun was shining and the sky blue and white big Jiduo floating clouds.
Such as sky blue wash, and occasionally floating white clouds, especially after thethe beautiful sunny day.
We will make sure Beijing's sky bluer, the water is more green, the air fresher!
我们一定会让北京得天更蓝, 水更绿, 空气更新鲜!
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单词 sky blue 释义

  • 单词释义:天蓝色,蔚蓝色  [更多..]



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