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单词 ERST 例句大全,用单词ERST造句:

A man must be a hero to understand a hero.
like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.
Das Waschbecken ist verstopft. Das Wasser l ? uft nicht ab.
The sudden resolve had prompted her like superstitious impulse to abandon her aimless course.
Cathy's experience of abandonment is hard for a Martian to understand.
Know to others explanation, will not just cause to recruit abandonment because of misunderstanding!
懂得向别人解释, 才不会导致因误会而招遗弃!
During these three years, I have learned a strong man, to understand the value and abandonment.
It forbids tormenting women with superstitious and violent means and bans maltreatment or abandonment of aged women.
Abandon blindness and superstition Walk up to scientific civilization
In numerous letters received no response, he understood parents abandoned him.
在无数封信石沉大海后, 他明白了, 父母抛弃了他。
The problem was that Sampras wasn't willing to abandon his reserve in exchange for understanding.
问题在于, 桑普拉斯不愿意放弃他的低调来寻求理解。
We put on snow ground boots, wrap the red abb coat that superstratum cascade folds.
It could be a phrase like this abbreviated in a way that only you will understand.
In this case, that maximum length is 2, which is the understood postal abbreviation for a state in the United States.
在本例中, 最大长度是2, 这表示美国各个州的邮政缩写。
Ray thinks Abby is being coy for some reason he doesn't understand.
Superstition is therefore not some easily removable aberration.
因此, 迷信并不是什么可以轻易消除的心理异常。
New Understandings of Evidences in Punishing Abettor
To understand, the mind must be still the activities of knowledge must be in abeyance.
要了解, 头脑必须安静知识的活动必须停止。
Theodore Roosevelt understood the dimensions of the popular fear of trusts, and he abhorred monopoly.
The understanding of each respect is like very abhorrent.
At this late hour, how to undertake all?The understanding of each respect is like very abhorrent.
时至今日, 究竟进行?各方面的认识似很不一致。
At this late hour, how to undertake all? The understanding of each respect is like very abhorrent.
It is equally understandable that people find the sale of dangerous drugs abhorrent.
人们觉得贩卖危险毒品令人厌恶, 这也同样可以理解。
We understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this Scheme.
The nurses and nursing administrators should study and understand laws and abide by them in nursing practice.

单词 ERST 释义

  • 单词释义:Error State 异常状态  [更多..]



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