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单词 erects 例句大全,用单词erects造句:

The local area network erects the debugging, in the room the network matches the line.
局域网架设调试, 室内网络配线。
When sin erects a barrier between us and God.
It erects a barrier that severs the pleasure and immediacy of visceral experience.
Communist East Germany erects Berlin Wall to prevent travel westward.
为阻止人们西行, 共产东德竖起柏林墙。
Although still daystart erects, but hardness is very poor however.
虽然还有晨间勃起, 但硬度却很差。
Phallic height erects , fields contracts, ejaculation begins.
阴茎高度勃起, 有节律地收缩, 射精开始。
A workman who designs or erects mills and milling machinery.
Be stimulated through local oscillation even if cause one of ways that reflection sex erects.
I will never know the reason why his pride still erects even thought after wrecks.
Measure phallic size, need erects in its the circumference that a phallic middle measures below condition.
测量阴茎尺寸, 需要在其勃起状态下量出阴茎中段的周长。

单词 erects 释义

  • 单词释义:使直立,竖起( erect的第三人称单数 );<正>建立  [更多..]



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