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单词 SIPS 例句大全,用单词SIPS造句:

In our absence the office gossips are probably having a field day.
They could add more tea once he had taken a few sips.
You must administer them slowly, allowing the child to swallow between sips.
你应慢慢给药, 使小儿在吸吮之间有充分的时间吞咽。
Sipsongchutai was included as a part of Northern Vietnam under the administration of Ho Chi Minh.
Drinkers are advised to take Maota i in small Sips, and not to drink it on an empty stomach.
茅台应该小口啜饮, 而且不能空腹饮用。
You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips.
Otherwise, does not speak the principle, a rage sips the vinegar, must annoy the repugnance.
Apparently, only water buffalo down a drink in one go,and dogs take two sips.
The old biddy is nasty. She always gossips and arouses conflict.
这个老婆子可讨厌了, 总是传闲话, 勾惹矛盾。
He that sips many arts drinks none.
He that sips of many arts, drinks none.
什么都学的人, 什么也学不到。
It is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.
That blabbermouth always gossips about other people's affairs.
They think a girl who gossips is a bore.
A few tantalizing sips was all I had ever had, and certainly never my own bottle.
drink brandy in sips.
Burnt to cinders, we were told by the neighbourhood gossips.
SIPS Side Impackt Protection System
It makes a small car, the Chevy Cobalt, which sips petrol in moderation and is therefore selling well.
它制造小汽车, 拥有适度耗油量的雪佛兰钴因此销售良好。
A modest man frequently ponders over his mistakes; a conceited man only gossips about other's errors.
They had long gossips together, and were endlessly confidential.
她们在一起一谈就谈到很久, 把什么心腹话都说出来。
I am told to consume the small cups offered for tasting in three sips.
人们告诉我, 这些小杯茶要品三小口。
Most of the time he states rather than conveys, and gossips rather than writes.
大部分时间中, 他只是述事不立言, 谈论而不写作。
He sips at the air and exhales while he talks.
But gossips will not dare to speak of it to him for the first few days.
但是头几天里, 就是好嚼舌的人也不敢在他面前提的。

单词 SIPS 释义

  • 单词释义:[计]= SAC Intelligence Processing System,战略空军司令部情报处理系统  [更多..]



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