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单词 BTU 例句大全,用单词BTU造句:

A trocar obturator includes a shaft having a proximal end and a distal end.
Leaf blade adaxially dark green, without blotches, abaxial surface greenish. Anther connectives obtuse.
叶片正面深绿色, 没有大块斑点, 背面带绿色。花药药隔钝。
Leaf blade adaxially dark green, without blotches, abaxially light green connectives obtuse.
叶片正面深绿色, 没有斑点, 淡绿药隔钝。
Objective To study antioxidant activity of extract of Cassia obtusifolia.
; sepals ovate; petals white, lanceolate or long ovate, apex acuminate or obtuse.
Sepals apically obtuse, rarely acute or acuminate branchlets and inflorescence tomentose.
顶部的萼片是抑制, 很少锐尖到渐尖小枝和开花被绒毛。
Branchlets and inflorescences tomentose. Sepals obtuse, rarely acute or acuminate at apex.
Acute and obtuse angles are oblique angles.
Leaflets suborbicular to ovate, apex obtuse, rarely acute.
Leaflets suborbicular or ovate, apex obtuse, rarely acute.
Leaflets scabrous, densely pubescent, apex bluntly acute to obtuse.
粗糙, 密被短柔毛的小叶, 先端钝的的锐尖到钝。
lobes ovate, margin undulate or with 1 or 0 obtuse teeth, apex acute.
Leaves obscure or slightly scalelike, broadly triangular, apex obtuse or acute.
叶不明显或稍鳞片状, 宽三角形, 先端钝或锐尖。
Obtuse triangle One of the three angles is an obtuse angle. The other two are acute angles.
Apex of leaves obtuserounded or acute vittae 1 in each furrow, 2 on commissure.
叶钝的圆形的或锐尖的先端油管每棱槽1, 在合生面上2。
a figure with four equal sides forming two inner obtuse angles and two inner acute angles
Middle lobe of bracts oblong or falcateoblong, apex obtuse or acute.
苞片长圆形或镰刀形长圆形的中部裂片, 先端钝或锐尖。
an cut angle at the roots of adjacent straight teeth is an obtuse angle.
Let be the obtuse angle between two adjacent faces of the solid.
But the administration cannot be disingenuous or obtuse.
lobes broadly ovatetriangular, obtuse to subacute, adnate to anthers.
They still shift the point of consciousness out of the body, albeit obtusely.
它们仍然将意识点转移至体外, 尽管很笨拙。
Leaves alternate, sessile, margin obtusely inciseddentate or undulate.
Leaves opposite on mature branches and alternate on juvenile branches, obtusely serrate.
在成熟枝上叶对生, 而在幼枝上互生, 钝有锯齿。
Leaves alternate, terete or semiterete, fleshy, apex obtuse or easily deciduous spinose mucronate.
叶互生, 圆柱状或半圆柱状, 肉质, 先端钝或者容易落叶短尖。

单词 BTU 释义

  • 单词释义:British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位  [更多..]



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