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单词 in face of 例句大全,用单词in face of造句:

The accessory criminal could not but empty the bag in face of conclusive evidence.
What strategy will the government adopt in face of the budget deficit?
In face of so many difficulties, he never appeared to be afraid.
In face of such threats and challenges, no country can manage alone or stand aloof.
The dusk witnessed his long stay at the altar in face of that copper bell.
Do not forget righteousness in face of profits, nor alter the moral principles in face of death
The problem in face of Atheism Morality Construction.
Camellia azalea is a rare plant which is in face of danger.
In face of danger, if you have iron nerves you will not bat your eyelids.
面对危险, 如果你意志够坚定, 你会泰然自若。
It is really a great shame to desert in face of a battle.
In face of you, I was really in blank dismay.
面对着你, 我真的很无可奈何, 真的很伤心。
Leos have no fear in face of enemies, even the mightiest foes bow before Leos' presence.
Leos have no fear in face of enemies, even the mightiest foes bow before Leos'presence.
The brave soldiers were not afraid even in face of enemys sword bayonet.
即使在敌人的刺刀面前, 这些勇敢的战士也毫不畏惧。
In face of difficulties, we should not cower but meet them bravely.
He showed great bravery in face of danger.
They had to employ the English language in face of the jealous guardianship of Britain.
In face of the brutal price war, can entrepreneurs only choose desperate fighting or being captured without resistance?
面对惨烈的价格战, 企业家不选择鱼死网破就得束手就擒吗?
Remain Calm in Face of Historical Moment.Luo Zhitian
He can always stay calm in face of disasters, and head off danger.
You should keep calm even in face of danger.
即使面临危险, 你也应当保持镇静。
At present, tobacco industry is having new competition in face of opportunity and challenge.
面对机遇与挑战, 国内烟草行业当前正进行新一轮洗牌。
The four types stressors college students maybe in face of
Chancellor Reiterates Commitment to Free Trade in Face of Global Challenges
This optimism is not only face me, even in face of Chinas premier, she also did not conceal.
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单词 in face of 释义



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