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单词 track record 例句大全,用单词track record造句:

The disc servo track writer is used to accomplish the servo track recording.
Professor Louie joins HKU with a proven track record of research and scholarship, as well as solid administrative experience.
The government's track record as an agent of behavior change is mixed.
Judging from their track record, the ceasefire agreement will be broken within a few days.
The track record we have built up over the 40 years since our foundation is an ample testament to the reliability of our products.
Indeed, the fiscal track record for the Olympics before Los Angeles was dismal.
确实, 洛杉矶奥运之前的历年财政成绩记录均比预期的要差。
half track recorder.
Fission track records of tectonic uplift during the Cenozoic and Mesozoic in the periphery of the Jianghan Basin
We a proven track record, shown clearly with the Boston Red Sox.
我们有一套行之有效的策略, 已经在波士顿红袜成功应验。
We have a good track record and we want to build on it.
我们有着卓著的功绩, 并且我们想要更上一层楼。
We have a good track record and we want to build on it.
我们有着卓著得功绩, 并且我们想要更上一层楼。
His track record as a businessman is very good.
作为一个商人, 他的成绩相当不错。
The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in project management.
Watson certainly has a track record in making distasteful remarks.
To my chagrin, Altman told me, Stanford has not had a really great track record.
Hehas an excellent track record as a salesman.
My collateral is my track record and my client loyalty.
Corporations expect a track record of internal successes, says Dr. Laurin.
Dub over existing tracks to create multitrack recordings.
在现有音轨上配音, 以生成多音轨的录音。
And we created a track record.
Details of track record to each production order, shipping case.
要详细跟踪记录每张订单的生产情况, 出货情况。
He have a good track record as a detective.
Given your track record everywhere else, how disappointing is it to go out so early here ?
比起你在其它比赛中的记录, 在这里那么早的离开有多失望?
The only people obligated to disclose their track records are money managers.
GigBaby! four track recorder, metronome, drum machine.
四轨录音机, 节拍器, 鼓机。
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