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单词 with the exception of 例句大全,用单词with the exception of造句:

But mainstream investors are absolutely not there at all, with the exception of the UK.
但主流投资者绝对还未入场, 除了英国的。
Most of the QA tests are going well with the exception of the ad servers.
With the exception of the Administration Office at CUHK, enrolment centres still operate until Saturday afternoon.
除了总办事处外, 报名中心于星期六下午照常办公。
With the exception of a few Algerians and ourselves, everyone spoke spanish.
Fifth, with the exception of Hong Kong, do not align your currency to one major currency such as the US dollar.
第五, 除了香港之外, 不要将自己的货币与一个主要货币挂钩。
Allele frequencies in the groups were similar, with the exception of wild carps.
Complications from epidural anesthesia are the as those for spinal anesthesia, with the exception of headache.
Most patients were otherwise healthy, and with the exception of 8 cases, lacked antecedent trauma.
All the characters who appear in it, with the exception of the heroine, are still living.
故事中涉及的所有人物, 除女主人公外, 都仍然健在。
All the characters who appear in it,with the exception of the heroine,are still living.
principle of application of the new law with the exception of a less punishment in the old law
principle of application of the old law with the exception of a less punishment in the new law
His head was bald, with the exception of two graying tufts of hair that arced behind his ears.
秃顶, 只在耳后有一圈灰白头发。
With the exception of the archbishop and the gardener, no man entered the convent, as we have already said.
我们说过, 除了他和园丁, 任何男人都不许进修院。
I like all my studies with the exception of arithmetic.
除了算术之外, 各门功课我都喜欢。
With the exception of domestic pigeons, the arrangement of myogenic fibers in the myocardial cells was loose.
Tapirs are usually dark brown in color, with the exception of the Malay or Asian tapir.
All the birds, fish and beasts assembled with the exception of the elephant.
The Panel finds that the project, with the exception of the fourth component, constitutes reasonable monitoring and assessment.
Tangible plant assets, with the exception of land, are of use to a company for only a limited number of years.
with the exception of a contract for the assignment of a trade mark
The entire cell aster with the exception of the centrosome.
With the exception of Juan, each attained a measure of success.
Ion rods, with the exception of electrostatic ion rod, bar ion dust
离子棒, 除静电离子棒, 离子除尘棒
The whole family, with the exception of his uncle, consider Clyde beneath them socially.
英文例句大全为您提供with the exception of英文例句大全,with the exception of英文造句,关于with the exception of的英语句子,单词with the exception of怎么造句,with the exception of英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于with the exception of,英语单词with the exception of的句子,单词with the exception of如何造句,with the exception of怎么造句等。

单词 with the exception of 释义



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