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单词 provided that 例句大全,用单词provided that造句:

We accept your offer provided that shipment is made in November.
如能在十一月份装船, 我们就接受你方报价。
I will accompany you provided that I am well enough.
Provided that the Registrar may at any time after the audit of the accounts has been completed convene the annual general meeting which shall proceed as if it had been convened by the committee.
但官可在目完成后, 召周年大, 大予行, 如是由理事召的一。
Provided that notice of any such adjournment shall be given the defendant and to any complainant.
Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the ratification of an unauthorized signature not amounting to a forgery.
但本条对追认未经授权但不属伪冒之签名, 并无影响。
Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the liability of the insurer under the suing and labouring clause.
但是, 本款规定不应影响保险人根据施救条款所承担的责任。
It frees you to be as agile as you dare provided that you have support from your stakeholders.
Provided that where a bill has been materially altered, but the alteration is not apparent,
Provided that the treasurer may be paid such remuneration as may be determined at an annual meeting of the credit union.
Provided that in the case of any emergency generator in any ship only one such pump shall be required.
Provided that the authority may seize and cause to be destroyed any such fireworks as appear to him to have deteriorated or become damaged.
Provided that the board may appoint one person to perform the functions of both treasurer and secretary.
Provided that the court or a judge thereof may set aside any appointment made in pursuance of this section.
Provided that a civil debt due to the crown under any enactment may be recovered from the wages of an employee by attachment or otherwise.
但根任何成文法欠下官方的民事, 可藉扣押工或其他方法追。
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall authorize the payment of remuneration to any person employed full time in any office of emolument under the crown.
Provided that there shall be not less than 2. 1 m measured from the floor to the underside of any beam.
As for believing things, I can believe anything, provided that it is quite incredible.
Provided that in no event shall such change prejudice the performance bond and any of the responsibilities set forth in the original business plan.
Provided that no caveat shall operate to prevent the sealing of a grant on the day on which the caveat is entered.
Provided that the president or chairman, as the case may be, may in his discretion dispense with such notice.
Provided that circumstances permit, we shall hold the meeting next week.
Provided that is true, will my house soon collapse ?
倘若真如此, 你说我的房子会不会很快倒塌?
Provided that in such cases such poles shall be efficiently connected with earth.
但在上述情况下, 此等杆柱须有效与地接驳。
The Constitution of the U.S. originally provided that the president was to be indirectly elected by an electoral college.
美国宪法原先规定, 总统应由选举团选举出来。
The rules of procedure of the Legislative Council shall be made by the Council on its own, provided that they do not contravene this Law.
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