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单词 lead out 例句大全,用单词lead out造句:

Get the lead out of gasoline and it comes at you through aging pipes.
The determination of lead outer quality control sample and assessment of uncertainity
Can look over, revise the members information material and lead out in the backstage.
Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf.
你要将有眼而瞎, 有耳而聋的民都带出来。
Get the lead out of them boots, Mr. Bickerstaff.
The captain told the sailors to get the lead out.
The captain told the sailors to get the lead out of their pants.
Rumors have it that secret tunnels lead out of this castle, but we haven't found any.
It is convenient to channel into, lead out the data and output the report form.
方便导入, 导出数据及输出报表。
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