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单词 from generation to generation 例句大全,用单词from generation to generation造句:

This medicine is prepared according to a secret recipe handed down from generation to generation.
Lei Feng's admirable virtue of taking delight in helping people has influenced people from generation to generation.
Aesthetic conception is conveyed through the unintentional or intentional influence from generation to generation.
通过一代又一代的有意无意的影响, 审美意识得以传承。
They multiply and pass from generation to generation much like ordinary bacterial genes.
How poverty passes from generation to generation is now becoming clearer.
Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash.
Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash.''
Passed from generation to generation; Chile folk songs are bold and unconstrained.
Joseph was wupposed to have taken it to Britain, where the cup was passed down from generation to generation in his family.
The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true.
同样的理论代代相传, 而且总是正确。
Sometimes ship will be commissioned to sign the bill of lading shipping from generation to generation.
It created in the civil, passing in the community and the continuation inherited from generation to generation.
Her complicated and confusing history and romantic mystery enchanting from generation to generation.
Tang Dynasty until the Qing Dynasty before the Reform, Concealment System for each other from generation to generation, profit and loss is minimal.
唐以后直至清末变法前, 容隐制度代代相因相承, 损益甚微。
The way of preparing this ointment By decocting the drug is contained in a secret recipe handed down from generation to generation.
I hope that our friendship will deepen with the years and continue from generation to generation.
Idioms as the cultural heritage of mankind, from generation to generation.
This custom is transmitted from generation to generation.
The custom has been handed down from generation to generation.
Thus, every place, with its own legends and tales, has its traditions and customs passed on from generation to generation.
这样, 每个地方都有自己的传说, 风俗也就衍传了下来
The surprise is that this foreign DNA can actually be passed from generation to generation.
They expect to hand these traditions down almost unchanged from generation to generation
Sunbird passes on from generation to generation beautiful fable.
And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.
This blood feud was handed down from generation to generation.
英文例句大全为您提供from generation to generation英文例句大全,from generation to generation英文造句,关于from generation to generation的英语句子,单词from generation to generation怎么造句,from generation to generation英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于from generation to generation,英语单词from generation to generation的句子,单词from generation to generation如何造句,from generation to generation怎么造句等。

单词 from generation to generation 释义

  • 单词释义:世世代代, 一代代;祖祖辈辈;千秋万代  [更多..]



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