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单词 make the difference 例句大全,用单词make the difference造句:

Generals can make the difference on the battlefield between a victory and a rout.
The above contingency preparations, however, could make the difference between life and death.
It can't really make the difference that ought to be made in a period of crisis.
they need to make the decision that's going to make the difference.
People make the difference in any business and Dry Cleaning Depot is no exception.
In this type of game just small details make the difference.
Make the Difference in Seat Tightness and Performance
Perhaps hearing it from somebody else would make the difference.
说不定外人的批评 她们听得进去。
Keeping your head may make the difference between life and death when fire breads out.
发生火灾时, 保持头脑冷静会有生死之别。
The specialization of animal and the unspecialization of human make the differences in the evolution of the two.
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单词 make the difference 释义

  • 单词释义:有影响;产生差别  [更多..]



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