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单词 the Soviet Union 例句大全,用单词the Soviet Union造句:

In other words, the Soviet Union would abstain from a resolution favoring a simple ceasefire in place.
换言之, 对于一项赞同简单就地停火的决议, 苏联将投弃权票。
The year saw a slight improvement in the abysmal relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
这一年, 美国和苏联的关系也有了一点微妙的改善。
A Summary of Our Domestic Academic Research in the Decade on the Reasons for the Tremendous Change in the Soviet Union
On the contribution of the Soviet Union to the foundation of the Whampoa Military Academy
My view is completely in accord with that of the Allies, Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union.
But his main expertise, acquired over decades of scholarly study, is in the Soviet Union and its east European empire.
We have always opposed the Communist Party of the Soviet Union acting like a patriarchal party and displaying greatpower chauvinism.
The Actuality of Researching Marxism in Germany since the Breakdown of the Soviet Union and Former East Germany
Seventy years of living in the Soviet Union have made them inventive and adaptable.
In addition, the Soviet Union also took South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands of the island.
We do not adopt the system of obligatory sales enforced in the Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union has adopted measures which squeeze the peasants very hard.
The Soviet Union adopted the policy of first luring the enemy in deep and then putting up a stubborn resistance.
The other country that took greatest advantage of China was czarist Russia and later the Soviet Union.
另一个得利最大的是沙俄, 以后延续到苏联。
If the Soviet Union did not collapse, Afghanistan would be a communist right now.
如果, 苏联没有解体, 阿富汗现在就是红色政权。
Some people in Hungary and in the Soviet Union are afraid as well.
The intelligence and internal security agency of the Soviet Union.
The disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived western intelligence agencies of their main enemies.
The Aids from the Soviet Union in Establishing of Iron and Steel Base in Baotou
When the war between the Soviet Union and Germany broke out, the Allies came to the common ground to open the second battlefield.
The third chapter analyzed the main reasons of the Soviet Union troops postponed withdrawal from northeast of china from the National Government aspects.
Nuclear Weapons and Cold War Between U.S. And the Soviet Union
The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union and Its Enlightenment from the Visual Angle of Authority
At that time antagonism between the East and West was growing and the Soviet Union was very sensitive to the changes in the personnel of the State Department.
This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA.
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