In this Bible verse, Paul instructs believers to abandon falsehood.
In the Bible it says that Adam begat Cain and abel.
Pauline Friedman took the name Abigail from the Christian Bible Old Testa-ment.
Abandonment in Bible study is the complete, abject surrender of your lives to God.
委身于圣经研究就是把你们的生活完全地, 卑屈地降服于神。
Ethiopic Version of the Bible.
THE Bible designates two things which are at absolute enmity with God.
An academic depiction of scenes from mythology, history, or the Bible.
以神话, 历史或圣经为题材的传统绘画。
The books of the Bible officially accepted as Holy Scripture.
Who is the first been slain according Bible
According to the Bible, Adam was the first man.
据圣经记载, 亚当是人类始祖。
According to the bible, Christ worked many miracles.
根据圣经记载, 基督创造了许多奇迹。
According to the Bible, we are all descended from Adam.
According to the Bible we are all the seed of Adam.
根据圣经所说的, 我们都是亚当的后裔。
According to the bible, man was made in the image of god.
据圣经说, 人是按照上帝的模样塑造的。
According to the Bible, among his wives he had seven hundred princesses, as well as three hundred concubines.
圣经记载, 他有妃七百, 嫔三百。
According to the Bible, God created man in his image.
据圣经所叙, 上帝按自己的形象创造了人。
According to the Bible, we can expect to live for three score years and ten.
How can we be sure about the Bible accounts
Creationism is based on the belief that the Bible is a historically accurate account of ancient events.
The accused and accusers all succeed in outweighing the Bible.
She came across and advert for the book Bible Basics.
How does the genetic Adam relate to the Adam of the bible
In the Bible It'says that Adam and Eve were the first human beings.
圣经上说, 亚当和夏娃是最初的人类。
Adam and Eve are the first man and the first woman in the Bible.
She had not thought of that, but remembered the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible.
她还没想过这个, 但她记起了圣经里亚当和夏娃的故事。