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单词 more beautiful 例句大全,用单词more beautiful造句:

Wish the Land of Abundance more beautiful in the future!
My game wife is more and more beautiful, the work is satisfactory, thanks you accompany me.
Rais stated at his trial that he admired the heads and body parts of his more beautiful victims.
Epiphyllum, which is a more beautiful flower ah!
Yes, there is a more beautiful thing than young love. Old love.
是的, 有比年轻的爱更美丽的事, 那就是年老的爱。
With these guardian of the community because of the emissary of love, will be even more beautiful.
The first surprise was Paro airport and no more beautiful airport building exists in the world.
Even animal's body is more beautiful and alive than that of you.
甚至动物的身体都比你优美, 比你有活力。
Association to allow more beautiful to attract our eyes become hot!
The beauty was amazing and glorious, more beautiful than any rainbow, or anything on Earth.
这个美令人惊异并散发荣耀, 比地上的彩虹及任何事都美丽。
The angel will wither demon more beautiful.
I could not conceive an angel more beautiful.
She had never been showing interests to anybody then, even when she became more beautiful.
她再也不敢轻易对谁动心了, 就算是她变漂亮了。
Mary is more beautiful than anyone else in her company.
Colors were applied to make the statue appear more beautiful and glorious.
大佛贴金彩绘, 光艳夺目。
Contrast may make something appear more beautiful than it is when seen alone.
In my eyes and heart, to beautify the appearance of not only the United States, more beautiful heart.
在我的眼中和心里, 美化不但外表美, 内心更美。
Wu iridium is even more beautiful sounds, to see surpasses applaud applause.
The surface layer is arranged on the fork head, so as to lead the steering wheel lock to be more beautiful.
在叉头上设置面层, 还可以增加方向盘锁的美观。
The astronomical reality is so much more beautiful.
When she smiles she always narrowing the attract attention eyeball, and makes her seems more charming, more beautiful.
Changan Avenue is getting more and more beautiful.
Awaiting love makes love more beautiful.
What more beautiful than the sweep and curve of his going through the azure sky
No, no. You should have said the flowers look more beautiful with you as the background.
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单词 more beautiful 释义

  • 单词释义:beautiful(美丽的,美好的)的比较级形式  [更多..]



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