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单词 barrows 例句大全,用单词barrows造句:

We are the manufactory specialized in wheel barrow and parts of wheel barrows, hand truck , rubber wheel, platform hand truck and so on in Qin
By one of the barrows, I saw two men attacking a lone policeman.
Barrows grow faster because the young boars can be castrated earlier.
由于小公猪可早一些去势, 所以阉过以后长得更快。
The two men with the barrows quarreled over a market pitch and both of them began to talk billingsgate.
Forget the hoes and wheelbarrows, but bring a radio.
忘了锄头与手推车吧, 不过记得带收音机。

单词 barrows 释义

  • 单词释义:独轮车( barrow的名词复数 );双轮手推车;古坟;阉猪  [更多..]



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