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单词 Duo 例句大全,用单词Duo造句:

styles terminal on abaxial side, divergent, mostly deciduous when ripe.
在背面的边上顶生, 成熟时分叉, 多数落叶的花柱。
Objective To investigate the emergency management of combined pancreatoduodenal injuries abdominal trauma.
Wind, the merciless abandon my past, Duoqing the abduction of my melancholy!
风, 无情得抛弃了我得过往, 多情得掠走我得惆怅!
You shouldn't have given such an arduous task to him, as he is an absolute coward.
After the arduous military training, I get absolutely absorbed in my studies.
经过了一段艰辛的军事训练后, 我完全融入到了学习中。
The studies on the predictable model of the absorbed amino acid supply at the proximal duodenum in growing beef cattle.
The amount of dust absorption of dry weight of vegetation Deciduous tree Bush Evergreen.
Results The absorption of honokiol and magnolol was best in the duodenum.
Inside predestined relationship and duodenum fall the ministry is being stuck, bottom and colonic liver music are abut.
The academic record by the fact that I make great efforts assiduously, always comes out on top.
通过我刻苦努力的学习, 成绩一直名列前茅
Conclusion The complication of accidental injury of duodenum during operation of biliary depends on precaution mainly.
Shading needs to be divisional and is best accommodated by deciduous plants.
遮阳需要考虑到季节性, 最坏运用每年落叶的植物。
Surgery for Duodenal Ulcer Accompanied by Massive Bleeding with Difficulty in Resection
We are glad that we have accomplished another arduous task.
We are glad that we have accomplished another arduous task.
Achene lustrous, easily detached from perianth stigma usually deciduous.
You will certainly achieve nothing unless you study assiduously.
如不刻苦钻研, 则将一事无成。
However must achieve this point, the duty is truly quite arduous.
然而要真正做到这一点, 任务是相当艰巨的。
He is assiduous in government affairs, loves the people, and has made a lot of achievements.
他为官勤政爱民, 取得了许多成绩。
Wang Duo left a lot cursive works in the world with great achievements andand derogatory views.
王铎草书传世作品很多, 成就极大, 在书法史中评介褒贬不一。
clinical symptom Stomach and duodenum ulcer all can appear regular epigastrium is aching.
Acidification of the duodenum and the presence of bile in the duodenum promote secretin release.
Her ladyship had laboured assiduously to acquire the art of penmanship since her marriage.
He assiduously acquired a fine collection of impressionist paintings.
an arduous journey across the Andes

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