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单词 pronouncements 例句大全,用单词pronouncements造句:

These ecstatic pronouncements became infamous for their ambiguity.
这些神谕最大的特点就是用词含混不清, 模棱两可。
We should not overlook these almost apocalyptic pronouncements.
I began tracking the columnists pronouncements with some ardor.
He had so long practiced the habit of attempting with fantastic pronouncements to astound his friends and associates.
他常喜欢以奇炫的论调, 语惊四座。
Of course, Bernstein, never reluctant to make pronouncements and revel in the spotlight, was also a lightning rod for criticism.
So if one is to criticize, again its not a question of criticizing his basic pronouncements.
To be fair, this was not an occasion for detailed policy pronouncements.
说句公道话, 这并不是最佳时机来仔细研讨公共政策。

单词 pronouncements 释义

  • 单词释义:声明,公告( pronouncement的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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