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单词 princes 例句大全,用单词princes造句:

The film concerns a love triangle fantasy involving a general, a princess a nd a slave.
We were all taken aback by the news of Princes divorce.
Abbot refused to adhere to the five princes furious instigated bloodbath Qing Shaolin Temple.
If lords and princes could obey him, all things would abide by him.
Analysis of the Futile Abolishment of Crown Princes in Eastern Han Dynasty
You look absolutely stunning and you truly are my princess.
Beautiful amethyst necklace in sterling silver. Absolutely stunningand evocative of a gothic princess.
The Princes of the Abyss.
You belong on my nag, and the princess had to accept it.
You were born a princess and must accept it.
你生来就是公主, 所以必须要认命。
Brief Discussions about the Phenomenon of Bribe Acceptance Between the Princes during the Spring and Autumn Period
The princess accepted the donkey's suggestion.
Princess Dianas Death An Accident Police.
They ran so fast that the soldier accidentally stepped on the youngest princess'cape!
她们跑得很快, 以致于士兵一个不小心踩到小公主的披肩!
According to the Bible, among his wives he had seven hundred princesses, as well as three hundred concubines.
圣经记载, 他有妃七百, 嫔三百。
Accordingly, the prince married that princess.
因此, 王子娶了那位公主。
By Princess's accounts, he spent the long days sleeping and catching up on his comic books.
藉著公主的帐户, 他每天花费了长人睡觉和赶上他的漫画。
We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs.
是故不知诸侯之谋者, 不能预交。
Along with princesses, your faction can also acquire merchants.
和公主一样, 你也能获得商人。
Somehow is too to be a princess, calculate her to acquire!
好歹也是当太子妃, 算她赚到了!
According to tradition, from this princess the continent of Europe acquired its name.
按照传统说法, 欧洲大陆就是因欧罗巴公主而得名的。
She acted as a princess in the short play.
He acts like a whiny princess when he's on stage.
Study of Neutron Activation and Provenance of San Cai Pottery Excavated from Princess Ai Tomb of Tang Dynasty
The actress often appears on the stage as a princess. Everyone seems to get the hots for her.
这位女演员常扮演公主, 看起来每个人都迷恋她。

单词 princes 释义

  • 单词释义:王子( prince的名词复数 );巨头;(某些欧洲国家的)贵族;小国的君主  [更多..]



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