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单词 Pride 例句大全,用单词Pride造句:

But Jehovah will abase his pride together with the trickery of his hands.
但耶和华必使他的骄傲, 和他手所行的诡计, 一并败落。
He prided himself on his ability to speak five languages.
She prided herself on her aBility to speak many foreign languages.
And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.
Within Loves foes, his greatest foes abide, Malice, Inconstancy and Pride.
在爱神的仇敌中, 最凶的顽敌虎视眈眈,
Can such abominable pride as his, have ever done him good ?
象他这种可恶的傲慢, 对他自己有什么好处?
Can such abominable pride as his, have ever done him good?
His supervisor took pride in him for his academic attainments.
He refused to accept help out of a false sense of pride.
Having to accept the money is a blow to her pride.
My mother has too much pride to accept any help.
我母亲的自尊心太强, 不愿接受别人帮助。
My mother has too much pride to accept any help.
我母亲得自尊心太强, 不愿接受别人帮助。
Having to accept the money was a blow to her pride.
Having to accept the money was a blow to my pride.
When she learned that her daughter was accepted by Oxford University, pride swelled in her heart.
听到女儿被牛津大学录取, 她心中充满了自豪。
It is a great honor for me to share in your accomplishment and pride today.
This country was giddy with the sense of accomplishment pride, prospect for the future.
整个国家沉浸在这种成就感之中, 憧憬着未来
Excessive pride in ones appearance or accomplishments conceit.
虚荣心, 虚夸对某人的外观或成就的过分骄傲自大
Boastful, unwarranted pride in ones accomplishments or qualities.
They take great pride in their family, and will often brag of their accomplishments.
Take pride in your accomplishments as they are stepping stone to your dreams.
每前进一步, 你都应引以为豪, 因为它们是你实现梦想的阶梯。
Health and education are indeed the most prominent accomplishments most Cubans say they take pride in.
Doyle prides himself on his accuracy.
I pride myself on my punctuality, accuracy, and dependability.
我准时守信, 精益求精, 值得信任。
It would achieve some national pride, but not go ahead and build a weapon.
这样可以震震国威 但不会去制造真正的核弹

单词 Pride 释义

  • 单词释义:普赖德(姓氏)  [更多..]



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